Watchdog orders DWP to publish secret reports on Atos and Capita PIP failings

Originally posted by John Pring on Disability News Service

The information commissioner has ordered the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to release documents that are likely to expose the widespread failings of two of its disability benefit assessment contractors.

DWP has been attempting to prevent the documents being released since receiving a Freedom of Information Act request from campaigner John Slater in December 2016.

He said the documents – if and when they are eventually released – will reveal the truth about what DWP knows about Atos and Capita.

Last month, the two outsourcing companies, which are paid hundreds of millions of pounds to carry out personal independence payment (PIP) assessments, told members of the Commons work and pensions committee that they had never met contractual quality standards on the reports their staff write for DWP.

The documents Slater has been seeking could provide further evidence of such failings, and fuel campaigners’ fears that Atos and Capita have been told by DWP to find a certain proportion of claimants ineligible for PIP.

Continue reading Watchdog orders DWP to publish secret reports on Atos and Capita PIP failings

Social Welfare Law in Wales Online Resource

Letting you know that the initial stages of developing the Social Welfare Law in Wales online resource has been completed and this can now be accessed freely at

The impetus to develop this resource has been the relative absence of critical analysis and discussion on the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 and its interface with other social welfare legislation and guidance.

This tentative step to develop a community of interest and support, aims to provide a space for disabled people and carers to share their perspectives on the impact of social welfare law on their lives and to create a platform for practitioners and academics in law, social work and social care, health and education to provide analysis, critical discussion and commentary that will progress practice under the new legislation in Wales.

The online site aims to be a news platform and an online journal. The news pages will provide links to relevant research, pertinent judicial decisions,ombudsmans reports and audits on practice. The online journal will publish papers and articles on the state of social welfare law and guidance in Wales. It will also welcome viewpoints and commentary from disabled people, carers and practitioners.

It would be of great help if you were to contribute to this development by writing for the online journal, sharing links to relevant materials and informing as many people as possible of Rhydian: Social Welfare Law in Wales online.

Disability Wales Press Release

Originally published on 31st August 2017

A ‘human catastrophe’ – New UN condemnation for UK human rights record

The UK Government’s claim to be a ‘world leader in disability issues’ has today been crushed by the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Committee has released damning Concluding Observations on the UK, following its first Review of the government’s compliance with the Convention.

The highlights of the press conference held by the UN Committee on the Rights of Disabled People at this afternoon are:

  • The Committee has made the highest ever number of recommendations to the UK.
  • The UK’s retrogression in ensuring Independent Living is a major concern. There is not adequate funding, resulting in too much institutionalisation.
  • There is a significant problem with Deaf and disabled people’s standard of living. Disabled people continue to be disadvantaged in employment, and are not adequately compensated for disability by the state.

The Observations conclude last week’s public examination of the UK Government’s record on delivering disabled people’s rights. The examination was declared by the UK rapporteur Mr Stig Langvad, to be “the most challenging exercise in the history of the Committee”. Mr Langvad raised deep concerns on the UK Government’s failure to implement the rights of disabled people. He also noted the government’s “lack of recognition of the findings and recommendations of the (2016) Inquiry” which found ‘grave and systematic violations of disabled people’s human rights’.

Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations (DDPOs) were hailed as the genuine “world leaders” for their efforts in bringing to light the injustices and human rights violations inflicted on disabled people in the UK.

The UK Delegation of Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations has issued the following joint statement:

“Today the UN(CRPD) Committee has, once again, condemned the UK Government’s record on Deaf and Disabled People’s human rights. They have validated the desperation, frustration and outrage experienced by Deaf and Disabled people since austerity and welfare cuts began. It is not acceptable for the UK Government to ignore the strong and united message of the disability community.

UK Government representatives committed during the review to rethinking the way they support Deaf and Disabled People to monitor our rights. We welcome this commitment. However, we are clear that our involvement must be genuine and inclusive and that we cannot accept anything less than progress on delivering the human rights enshrined in the Convention, and denied us for too long.

DDPOs have established themselves as a force to be reckoned with following a long campaign of challenging the Government’s blatant disregard for the lives of Deaf and disabled people in the UK. The unity and solidarity demonstrated by the Committee and the UK Independent Mechanism in supporting our calls for justice continue to strengthen us.”

Rhian Davies, Chief Executive of Disability Wales said, “It is a relief to see that the UK Government’s appalling treatment of disabled people has been called out by the UN Committee. The Concluding Observations give a clear sense of direction for the UK and devolved Governments. We welcome Welsh Government’s commitment to a strengthened Framework for Action on Independent Living since much of the implementation of the UNCRPD is devolved to Welsh Government.

However, as a devolved nation, it is not possible to entirely mitigate the impact of UK austerity policies and we will continue to join forces with our sister organisations across the UK in our quest to safeguard disabled people’s human rights in Wales.”

Your event here!

Throw us an e-mail, and you could have your event posted here for the world to see!

Welcome to the GL100SERVICES.COM Notice Board.

If you or your organisation are holding an event or has an announcement that we feel is beneficial to disabled people and those working in the social care sector please email the information of the event to and if appropriate we will post it on this page.

An accessible approach to living

Enhancing possibilities and creating independence for disabled people is a basic human right of which the importance is often underestimated.

Our access surveys highlight the requirements of businesses, educational establishments, community centres and retail establishment to improve disabled people’s employment, learning and visiting experience.

We create and run equality based awareness training courses tailored to the specific requirements of commercial and non-commercial companies and organisations.

Our lived experiences of employment, from both employer and employees perspectives, has resulted in GL100 being able to offer a variety of services including facilitation, research, and website accessibility.

We also work with architects and prepare Design and Access Statements for commercial property developers.

We aim to lead by example – our experience and attitude can create an independence to not only individuals and groups of people with disabilities but to those working in the sector. We present, coach and advise on the positive side of life, encouraging co-production and best practice.

Please contact or call 07979 756317 for further information.

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