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  • Been uncertain about this for many years and yes research is required.
  • Storytelling is an effective way to generate citizen focused services. At the first point of contact with service users it is imperative that front line staff listen and understand prior to anything else.
  • Never been to Africa but as their economies grow welfare structures will develop. Fantastic much needed charitable projects seem to be the only hope for many disadvantaged people. Our welfare model is not perfect and a larger Social Care budget is…
  • HR manager thinks that ISO 9001 accreditation may attract better senior management.
  • However every local authorities Social Services differ demographically and by budget. It would need to be a Welsh Government policy for all local authorities to become accredited and that may be costly.
  • Is ISO 9001 not a business accreditation? For all of the Welsh local authorities to become ISO 9001, or something similar, accredited may be a way of standardising management practices across Wales.
  • Tracy when you wrote Realistically it takes 6 months for a newly qualified social worker to become fully effective and 3 months for an experienced social worker and both can take longer depending on their deployment do you mean that it takes 3 month…
  • Quite right lets keep this discussion focused on Social Care. I am sure that we all have opinions as to why the resources needed in our poorer inner city environments is necessitating in services to be restructured.
  • I kept a Guardian article from 2012 titled Building a better model of social service delivery. Here is one paragraph: Proactive management Integration requires loose organic networks to be re-moulded into tighter symbiotic relationships. It …
  • A must for all of us to complete before the consultation end date of 29 September. Just returned from a week in Spain and actually welcome this Welsh summer as it was dangerously hot and the sea was too warm to cool down. Good to see that more peo…
  • Service User groups working with local NHS Trusts, Citizen Representatives working with Social Services, Local Authorities thinking outside the box and people like you interacting here.
  • Tracy you have a good point but as you say by us all working together we will make this work. I personally have worked in the sector for nearly 30 years and know that changes will have to be made from the highest levels. There are some positive thin…
  • Smart advice. Direct Payments can be made to anyone over the age of 16 and please don’t be put off by negativity. You can apply online using this link and a local support network will be available if require…
  • Thanks for the welcome. I must say that I am surprised that more people have not joined this forum as it is a unique opportunity for us all to integrate.
  • Hello, having just received an email from Trevor Palmer I am interested to contribute. A colleague was at the Conference last week and has commented on the relevance of TP's contribution. I will share this link but I feel that many professionals my n…

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